The union between the lovers and the Beloved
Is the ultimate sheer joy of happiness.
Always cling on to your inner meanings
The outer beauty is simply ephemeral.
Drown Yourself in Ocean of Love
If you wish to discover the existence of The Friend (God),
break out of your outer shell,
and enter deep into your innermost kernel.
He is the Supreme Being you must humbly walk with.
He is drowned into Himself,
and both Worlds are drowned into Him.
Wipe The Dust Off Your Inner Mirror
Do you know why your mirror is not shining back at you?
Because the face of your mirror is still covered with dust.
Go and wipe the dust off your inner mirror,
so you can clearly see the bright light shining through.
Every one of us is capable of deciphering
the invisible mysteries of God,
it all depends on how cleanly
the mirror of our heart is polished.
Those who're constantly polishing the heart
have a much greater chance of
having the hidden face of Lord
appearing on the mirror of their perceptions.
If you're arguing that purity and cleanliness of a heart
is only by the grace of God,
then I'd argue that the successful realisation
of the constant need for polishing your heart
is also a gift from God.
God is the Only One who bestows infinite courage
upon us all in our cleaning efforts.
No one can ever act as the King does,
Rumi 1207 – 1273