Meditation is the process of self-discovery. Let us not believe that our thoughts and feelings are really our true nature. The light of meditation enables us to touch our innermost being directly, and experience wholeness. The meditation experience eliminates struggle with the ego and negative emotions. This is how meditation generates a powerful and precious energy in our whole being. This experience brings indescribable joy, peace, love, and wisdom.
Swami Veetamohananda
Pearl for the day April 18th 2017
Meditation, combined with action, results in efficiency in work, concentration in one's doing, perfect love and a total personality. An ever youthful personality of vitality is the secret of successful life. Introspection, meditation, and personal discipline help us retain the youthful vitality.
Swami Veetamohananda
Pearl for the day 31st May 2017
Reflective meditation is a process of deepening our mental abilities - meditation creates a conducive environment in our mind. The increase of focus in meditation makes us vigilant of hostile
forces and wrong thinking, and controls the emotions. Self-actualisation depends on our focussed and concentrated mind.
Swami Veetamohananda
Pearl for the day 3rd July 2017
The meditative state is the highest state of existence. The yoga of meditation transforms the personality. A kind of inner light expresses itself in the person's personality. Meditation brings right knowledge. Peace and harmony with perfect purity manifests in the meditative individual.
Swami Veetamohananda
Pearl for the day 20th July 2017
Dhyana yoga Yoga of meditation We must develop undistorted intelligence to be free from the clutches of external material forces. A quiet life, indrawn stillness, concentration on the Absolute with a pure heart, is indeed the real meditation. The Yogi's thought thus absorbed in the Supreme, is freed from all mundane emergencies. It is true meditation which holds the self through the Self and rejoices in the Self.
Swami Veetamohananda
Keyword for practical life
18th July 2014
Self-confidence is an important factor to live life steadily and surmount all the problems of life. Self-knowledge is the basis for manly endeavour and achievement. The ego in man is the cause of of all errors and the origin of all false values. Our sense of Self-hood should be directed to the deeper levels of our personality to discover our true nature. This is made possible by meditation (Dyana).
Swami Veetamohananda
Pearl for the day
11th August 2017
Dhyanenatmani Paryanti By meditation one perceives the Self The way to rise out of our ego-centred consciousness to Infinity is possible only through focussing all our energies, intelligence, emotions, volitions, etc, in meditation. Knowledge, love and power get fused in a Supreme unification. This state of Supreme bliss is called meditation.
Swami Veetamohananda
Keyword for practical life
3rd September 2017
Tusnim Bhava Become silent The inner voice can be heard only in silence. In moments of depression, or sinking of heart, it is the inner voice that guides us and inspires us. All egotistic rationalisation stops and inner peace, harmony and courage starts expressing itself through the power of the Soul. This is why we need to know how to practice silence.
Swami Veetamohananda
Keyword for practical life
1st November 2017
Self-confidence is best to overcome all fears. The joy of creating new and newer in any area of life brings a thrill. Pain and sufferings are of the past. Let us focus on today and the future. Confusion and unhappiness lie in self-centredness. Meditation on courage brings the joy of life. Let us not waste time living someone else’s life.
Swami Veetamohananda
Light for Creative Living
18th May 2018
A self-image based on the approval of others can never be a true personality. Self doubts make us despair. All complexities of the personality are removed by understanding our tendencies and giving them a higher direction through introspection, reflection and meditation. Let us fill our personality with right thoughts, thus not allowing any wrong thoughts.
Swami Veetamohananda
Light for Creative Living
18th August 2018