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La ila illallah


Sufi Mantra


To Sufis, to all Muslim groups, prayer as Mantra (Dhikr) is seen as a way to gain spiritual enlightenment and achieve union (visal) or annihilation (fana) in God.  Rosaries may be used as a method of meditation, the goal of which is to obtain a feeling of peace, separation from worldly values (dunya), and, in general, strengthen Iman (faith). Dhikr are phrases from the Quran and Muhammad said ‘The best (dhikr) is La ilaha illallah’ which means “there is no God but God.”  


It is very powerful and can be chanted silently, aloud, alone, in groups, as an accompaniment to whirling dances, or sung.


Here is a link to a beautiful rendition:


La ilaha illallah